Thursday, 7 May 2009

Signing my life away...

I don't really enjoy running, I never have. At school I used to whinge about having to do 800 meters round the athletics track. 100 meters I could manage - a short sharp burst of energy and then a long period of recouperation.

Friends and colleagues bang on about how running relieves stress, improves fitness, helps weightloss, gets you out and about and generally lifts the mood. I've always found that it's dull, monotonous and gives me a stitch.

So I'm not quite sure what possessed me to enlist the companionship of one of my best friends, slap down the credit card and sign up to running one of the biggest and more challenging city marathons in the world... New York.

Here I am with six months to go. I've bought a book called The Non Runner's Marathon Trainer, been out for my first 'jog', which consisted mostly of walking, and am oscillating wildly between delirious excitement and utter fear. I'm scared that i'm never going to like running, that i'll never be able to go further or faster and that i'll end up regretting my decision. But just taking the lead is the genuine desire to really enjoy running and the incentives that it will make me stronger, healthier and happier.

Only time will tell...

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