Monday, 26 October 2009

Week 15 - Home Stretch

Considering I haven't run a single mile this week there's a lot to report. The knee wasn't feeling any better by Tuesday and I was beginning to panic so I booked an appointment with a physiotherapist to chat aches and pains. My hope was that they would confirm it was indeed ITB (not something more serious) and recommend the best possible stretches and exercises to relieve the symptoms and strengthen the muscles connecting the band.

After much discussion, poking, prodding and hopping on the offending leg the conclusion was reached that it was indeed an IT Band problem. The physio was cheerful enough and didn't seem to think it was too serious. She gave me a number of things to focus on (see below) and didn't tell me I couldn't run the marathon, just that I should take it easy and listen to my body. She ended the session with a bit of massage and I left the surgery feeling much more positive and virtually pain free.

Earlier in the day a friend had suggested I give Hot Bikram Yoga a whirl and having just been told by the physio I was pretty tight through my calves and hamstrings I decided now was as good as any time to give it a go. That evening I drove over to Fulham, met up with two girls I used to go to school with and signed up for my first class. HBY is the latest trend sweeping London and with a special offer of £10 for an unlimited 10 day pass the centre was ramos. In fact the first challenge was finding enough space on the floor to lay down your mat and strech out straight.

Bikram Yoga consists of a series of 26 postures, carried out in a room heated to approximately 40 degrees centigrade. I love the heat so wasn't worried about how I would handle that but I wasn't at all prepared for sharing my personal space with so many dripping wet strangers - enduring a foot in the mouth and some betty swallocks right up my nose was not very pleasant. The class lasted 90 minutes and afterwards I felt very loose and relaxed but despite all that I won't be rushing back as it just wasn't really my cup of tea.

For the rest of the week the knee kept stiffening up and then easing off again. Sometimes it felt great and other times pretty painful but it's definitely a lot better than either Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. I kept to my early decision that I wouldn't try to run on it until at least the end of the week and distracted myself with a bit of retail therapy. Firstly I purchased a strap which applies pressure to the area on the outside of the knee and works by shortening the band and relieving the friction of it rubbing against the bone. It's not too scary looking and reports from marathon running ITB sufferers are encouraging. It won't treat the cause, only the symptoms but anything to help me cover off those 26.2 miles is very welcome.

Next up was the all important New York Marathon top. I know it's advisable to train in the clothes you intend to wear on marathon day but my current tops aren't working out too well and i'm getting a lot of rubbing, so figured it couldn't get any worse. In the end I went for a purple racing back sports top from Nike which is breathable and has integrated support. Ideal - now all I need to figure out is how to get my name and number on there and i'm good to go.

All things considered I've managed to remain reasonably calm. I'm reassured that I got all of my long runs done and dusted before hurting my knee and so my fitness and endurances level are where they should be. Friends and family have been supportive and I've had all kinds of brilliant recommendations to put me back on the road to recovery. In the end I didn't risk running at all this week - suffering pain on a short run would shatter my blissful ignorance and, whatever happens, I will be lining up at the start in New York next Sunday. It's at this point in time that I am thankful (again) for the Non Runner's Marathon Guide which told me from the outset not to set a time goal. I listened and it's been my saviour because as long as I cross the finish line in New York (and run as much as I am physically able) I will have achieved my main objective. One thing is for certain... you can be sure that I'll have as much fun as possible along the way.

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